* The Playtest for the Forest Level that was originally planned to be bigger than the one already shown.

** The slime was made as a placeholder for a player character as the three originally planned player characters weren't finished

*** Carth, Phobos and Lydia are not in the game

**** The Wendigo and the frenzied animals are not in the game

After escaping the lab that they were held in for years, Carth, Phobos and Lydia were on the path towards the traitorous forest that was rumoured to hold a deadly corruption that disappeared from the Lab, turning the once lush forest into a deadly warzone. The virus had sent the animals native to the forest into a frenzy, attacking anything that crossed their path. It was up to the three to find out the source of the virus, which was rumoured to be a mirror and destroy it. However they would have to get past the paranormal entity known as the Wendigo.

Made as an FMP for college. (lacking a bit of content due to illness)